Lunar Flight
A modern take on the classic arcade game, Lunar Lander, Lunar Flight extends the experience to a fully, fictionalised Lunar Module Simulator providing a variety of mission types involving Transporting Cargo, Acquiring Data at Survey locations and locating Lost Cargo. Completing missions earns experience points and money to be used to Refuel, Repair and Upgrade the Lunar Module.
In addition to missions there are Time Trial challenges complete with Online Leader boards and a globally ranked ‘Pilots’ Leaderboard, ranked by experience.To round out the game there are a variety of Achievements to provide additional challenges and objectives.
A truly unique and challenging flight simulation experience, Lunar Flight will give you many hours of immersive, addictive & rewarding gameplay.
Lunar Flight features very atmospheric sound and visuals, creating a very immersive experience and is designed to engage the player’s senses as well as their appreciation for realistic physics. Fans of space flight will be pleased to know that it features correct Newtonian physics behaviour and will provide one of the most authentic and dynamic space based, low gravity flight experiences they can have.
While being simulation oriented it is also designed to be accessible and fun and supports the XBox 360 controller by default but can be configured with almost any controller setup.
- Authentic Newtonian Space Physics
- Addictive Challenging Flight Simulation
- Earn Money and Experience from Transport, Survey & Lost Cargo Recovery Missions
- Random Mission Generation
- Purchase Upgrades and Action Items for the Lunar Module
- Online Time Trial & Pilot Leaderboards
- Achievements
- Spectacular Graphics and FX
- Amazing Immersive Soundscape
- Quad View Display
About Shovsoft
Shovsoft, based in Brisbane Australia, is a truly independent game developer started by Sean ‘sh0v0r’ Edwards.
Sean is the primary developer and owner and is responsible for just about everything from Marketing, Web, Programming, Sound, FX, Art & Design.
After 10+ years working for big AAA publishers and other independent studios, Sean decided to try his hand at the independent scene. Lunar Flight is the first of hopefully more games to come.
Sean has worked as a Level & Games Designer for:
- Ratbag Games
- Midway
- Pandemic Studios
- Electronic Arts
- Krome Studios
- KMMG (Kennedy Miller Mitchell Games)
Additional contributors include:
- Jason (pootsz) Poots  (Art & Music)
- Matt Carr (Additional Leaderboard and Database Programming)
- Julien Lange (iXLeadboard System)
- Ward Dewaele (Custom Input Manager System)
- Chris Backas (Achievement & Notification System)
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