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Update 1.21 Released – Lower Memory, Higher Frame Rates!

The latest Lunar Flight version is now available on Steam and Desura a Gamers Gate patch is yet to be released. The update’s biggest change is a significantly lower amount of Memory usage and better texture compression. This will hopefully address the issue with loading map 3 using Fantastic quality setting with lower spec machines. Video Memory usages is also lower due to the texture compression and this will improve your frame rate noticeably.

– Added: New Logo Effects.
– Changed: Practice mode no longer has penalties for crashing.
– Changed: (Steam)Direct Input registry setting removed due to conflicts with Unity games built with v3.5 of Unity.
– Fixed: Memory Usage is much lower now, should fix map 3 not loading for some players.
– Fixed: Frame Rate improvements due to better texture compression & lower video memory consumption.
– Fixed: (Steam) Install Script corrected to only run once.
– Fixed: (Steam) Achievements not unlocking for some players with older profile data.

Notes: Players who have joystick configuration issues will need to manually add the Direct Input registry setting until Unity provides a fix. For convenience you can download these files which makes it easy to add and remove the registry setting. For more information about this issue please visit this forum topic.

Sisters of Mercy Podcast Interview

Recently I was a guest on a Podcast hosted by the to awesome Gaming Nuns at No Prisoners, No Mercy

You can listen to the full show here  interview starts @ 20 minutes into the show.

Or an edited version with just the interview HERE. During the show we talk about Lunar Flights development, myself and my background and several other topics.

SimHQ & Internode Reviews

SimHQ and Internode have their reviews up today, click on their respective images below to read them.

Now Available On Steam!

The day has finally come, you can get Lunar Flight on Steam as of today with a %20 Launch price discount! Click the image below or here to visit the product page.

Internode Interview

I recently conducted a fairly extensive and candid interview with Games On Net, it covers allot of topics about the game and its development. You can read the interview by clicking on the above image or here.

PikiGeek Review – 4/5

The reviews continue to come in, this great review by pikiGEEK

You can read the review here.

“I spent more time playing this than Mass Effect 3 over the past week.”

Metagem Review – 4/5 (Croatian)

All the way from Croatia comes this review from Metagem, you can read it here.

IGN Germany Review- 8.5/10

For our German visitors IGN Germany has a great review in your native tongue. You can read it here.

Impulse Gamer Review – 9.1/10

The response so far has been mostly very positive, it’s with a huge sigh of relief that people are understanding and appreciating the core Lunar Flight experience.

You can read Impulse Gamers review here.

Another great review on the Examiner – 4/5

Came across another really positive review this morning on the Examiner it’s really great to start to see some reviews coming in. You can read the review here.

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